
Weight Management Advice for all Star Signs


Weight management -how do the stars cope

You are all always trying to keep your weight under control and are looking at the possibilities of eating and exercising in a way in which we can keep your bodies trim and fit. Your sincere effort to control body weight tends to get  you stressed. Now take a break from the serious side of dieting and see how the planets affect your weight. Of course, astrology cannot offer a scientific answer to obesity, but you may be surprised at how closely you fit the description for your star sign. Who knows, maybe the stars do have an influence on over your eating habits and your general approach to dieting. Check out the advice for your star sign below, and see how closely you fit the profile.

AQUARIUS (20 Jan – 18 Feb)

Advice: Look for maximum support and avoid over-strict diets.

Overweight Aquarians are typically drawn to the mysterious. So initially they may be tempted by fad diets, supplements and food combining. Usually however, they end up choosing a more healthy diet, and because they tend to be optimistic and independent, they don’t quit easily. Even so, they need flexibility in their diet, as they do not like being pinned down. Also, the unpredictable nature of many Aquarians means they can flip from being a perfect dieter one day to a binge eater the next! Lastly, being private people, they tend not to join support groups – which can be a disadvantage. For best results, they should choose a flexible eating plan combined with an online support group where they can share their ups and downs without losing their privacy.

PISCES (19 Feb – 20 Mar)

Advice: If you’re overweight, don’t ignore the problem. Find a good incentive.

It’s not uncommon for Pisces dieters to say one thing, but then do the opposite! So their eating habits don’t always match their good intentions! That said, they are good organizers and once they start a diet they plan it well. Since they enjoy their food, they should choose a diet plan with plenty of variety. And for best effect, they should use their wonderful imagination to visualize how they will look when they reach their goal. Alas, Pisceans don’t find it easy to start dieting. Often they depend on someone else to suggest it to them. Support is crucial for them as they are easily distracted. One critical comment can destroy their motivation, while even a minor amount of stress can drive them to bingeing. Despite this, young Pisceans tend to lose weight quite easily once they develop a rhythm. However, older Pisces tend to gain weight easily. To minimize this, they should take action as soon as they start gaining in order to prevent obesity in later years.

ARIES (21 March – 19 April)

Advice: Be patient when dieting. Find a buddy or others to keep you on track.

Ariens are often very interested in their health and appearance, so they hate being overweight. But although they tend to start a diet with enormous enthusiasm, unless they achieve rapid success they are tempted to give up and move on to something new – maybe another diet. Their dislike of restrictions as well as their impulsive nature can make it difficult for them to stick to a diet for very long. Yet if they apply their many positive qualities, and get support, they can be very successful. Not least because Ariens love a challenge and have a great desire to succeed. To summarize, providing they accept their dieting weaknesses and take steps to overcome them – for example, by getting plenty of support – Arien dieters can achieve great success.

TAURUS (20 April-20 May)

Advice: Don’t go too long without food.  Make exercise fun.

Taureans are too realistic to be attracted to fad diets or other weight loss gimmicks. And their methodical nature means that dieting comes easier to them. Furthermore, their normal patience ensures that they stay on track even if their weight loss is slow. However, typical Taureans tend to lose weight quite slowly, often because they have a slow metabolism and don’t really enjoy exercise. Also, a minority of Taureans can become very “set” in their ways, and may not find it easy to change their lifestyle. Where it occurs, Taurean obesity tends to be the result of a sweet tooth, a love of rich food and occasionally a self-indulgent streak. So eating regularly throughout the day will prove especially beneficial for them. Due to their dislike of exercise, they should join a fitness group for optimum support.

GEMINI (21 May – 20 June)

Advice: Set yourself realistic goals. Join a weight loss support group.

Despite the fact that Geminis tend to have a fast metabolism and burn calories quite quickly, this does not always guarantee success. This is due to their fickle nature, their impatience and occasionally their unrealistic expectations. Ideally, they should choose a Taurean diet buddy to help keep them on track. Even so, Geminis have many positive qualities that help them to lose weight. Their optimism and love of change can inspire them to embrace the necessary lifestyle changes. For best results, they should seek support to help them stay cool if and when weight loss slows down, and try to curb their natural tendency to weigh themselves every day!

CANCER (21 June -22 July)

Advice: It’s vital you have a powerful incentive to lose weight.

Overweight Cancerians can spend years worrying about their size and shape without taking remedial action. One reason for this is that they LOVE to feed themselves and others! So the idea of following a rigid calorie-controlled diet is not attractive to them, especially for more moody Cancerians with a tendency to eat for comfort. That said, patience is the greatest Cancerian asset. So once they commit to a diet and exercise program, Cancerians are very tenacious and tend to persevere until they reach their goals. But they must have a good incentive to lose weight, and they must choose a diet plan which suits their lifestyle and offers a wide variety of foods.

LEO (23 July – 22 August)

Advice: Don’t be distracted by fad diets.

When it comes to losing weight, Leo’s greatest strengths can be their greatest weaknesses. For example, if things go well, their enthusiasm and desire to succeed can make weight loss quite easy for them. But if they encounter difficulties and fail to meet their high standards, they often become despondent and quit. This is aggravated by the Leo desire for excitement, which increases their weakness for fad diets or other plans that promise “instant weight loss.” To combat this, it is particularly important for Leos to choose a healthy diet program that offers reliable weight loss, plus enough support to help them bounce back if they experience “bad days” or “bad weeks”.

VIRGO (23 August – 22 Sept)

Advice: Be realistic! Don’t expect to lose weight too fast.

Similar to Leos, Virgo dieters can struggle to lose weight despite their positive qualities. On the one hand they are gifted with great practicality, attention to detail and high standards, which leads them to choose sensible diets and which may give them great strength of purpose. On the other, they expect too much of themselves, which can be their downfall. If they don’t lose weight fast enough, either they feel too miserable and quit, or else they cut corners, eat too little and end up bingeing. To overcome this, Virgos should join a diet forum or support group which might help them to channel their energy and cope with occasional disappointments.

LIBRA (23 Sept – 22 Oct)

Advice: Boost your self-discipline by joining diet and exercise groups.

Librans tend to have a slower metabolism and may gain weight relatively easily. This is aggravated by their laid-back attitude, dislike of exercise and the Libran sweet tooth! On the other hand, Librans are very aware of their appearance and appreciate that in order to maintain their looks they need to eat healthily and take regular exercise. Once motivated they adapt well to new routines. For best results, Librans should avoid being tempted by any plan that promises “effortless” or “ultra-fast” weight loss, and choose a more realistic program. In addition, they should join an exercise group or gym to help them get a regular workout.

SCORPIO (23 Oct – 21 Nov)

Advice: Ease up. Don’t worry so much. You’re a natural winner.

Weight reduction tends to be easier for Scorpios than any other star sign. This is because Scorpios are positive, well-organized, determined and willing to follow a new diet regimen. If they have a weakness, it is their need to completely immerse themselves in their weight loss program. So if sudden obstacles appear, which prevent them from giving their utmost, some Scorpios can quickly become restless and dissatisfied. Also, in an attempt to lose weight as fast as possible, they can overdo things. They may reduce calories too far, or take too much exercise. If they avoid these traps, Scorpios typically achieve great success.

SAGITTARIUS (22 Nov – 21 Dec)

Advice: Focus on your diet and get plenty of exercise support.

When it comes to losing weight, Sagittarians have one major handicap: they try to take on too much. They are quite capable of starting a new diet and a new job at the same time. As a result, despite great enthusiasm and a genuine desire to finish what they start, they can’t give their diet the attention it requires. Result? The wheels come off. This situation is aggravated by Sagittarian impatience and an undomesticated nature. For best results, Sagittarians should limit their commitments, choose a diet which offers simple recipes and enough online support to help them overcome their periodic restlessness. A fun exercise program, such as an aerobic dance class, is especially beneficial for Sagittarians.

CAPRICORN (22 Dec – 19 Jan)

Advice: Go with the flow and learn to accept help.

Capricorns have a number of wonderful qualities. Extremely single-minded, well-organized and able to sacrifice everything to achieve their goals, Capricorns rarely have problems losing weight – provided they are motivated. However, they do not take advice easily, nor do they look for help, so if they experience problems – like a weight loss plateau, a sudden loss of motivation, or a weekend binge – they can find it difficult to recover. So for best results, Capricorns should be more prepared to take advice and seek support. As far as specific plans are concerned, a practical diet with strict rules is ideal.

Dr. Mujeera Fathima

Dr. Mujeera Fathima

Dedicated, Passionate teacher and Associate Professor of Botany specializing in Plant Physiology and Plant Anatomy with research interest in Ethnobotany and Traditional knowledge possessing a teaching experience of 28 years.

About Me

Dr. Mujeera Fathima

Dedicated, Passionate teacher and Associate Professor of Botany specializing in Plant Physiology and Plant Anatomy with research interest in Ethnobotany and Traditional knowledge possessing a teaching experience of 28 years. Officiated as one of the co-authors of the XI standard Botany and Bio-Botany textbook (2005) and XI standard Botany and Bio-Botany textbook (2015) as Domain expert for Tamilnadu State Higher Secondary Board of Education. A certified soft skills trainer and counselor holding a Doctorate in Botany and a M.Sc. in Psychology