
Simple Green Practices



Our energy practices have to become green because all humans are dependent on energy for most part of their lives. Strategies have to be developed that can help look for alternative, eco-friendly and renewable sources of energy

Use of Energy    : Looking at alternative non-polluting sources of energy

The natural sources of energy in the form of fossil fuels are getting depleted fast and so now the cost of mining and use of these has increased drastically. Moreover the fuels are non-renewable and pollution causing. The best way to combat this is to turn to green energy sources which are all renewable and non-pollution causing.  The well known sources of green energy are solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, Geothermal energy, electrical energy, hydro-electric power and so on. These energy sources will help in reducing emission of green house gases thus stall global warming and climate change. Other polluting agents such as soot containing particulate matter and the toxic fallout from petroleum refineries

Use of energy: Looking to reduce energy consumption

Another simple strategy that every individual can use to manage the energy crisis is to try and reduce energy consumption at every level. There are measures to reduce release of heat Some of the simple steps that can be tried are listed

  • Having a cold water bath in summer and use of warm water instead of hot water in winter to reduce energy consumption and release of heat
  • Maximise use of daylight and natural breeze keeping windows open in homes and offices
  • Switching off lights, air conditioners and fans when not in use
  • Avoid use of disposable plates, spoons, forks and cups –use reusable plates and spoons instead
  • Avoid carrying of packed food to schools and offices, use reusable lunch boxes instead
  • Use of reusable handkerchiefs instead of tissue paper
  • Use of water for washing instead of toilet tissue paper
  • Recycling of waste water and use for irrigation
  • Reduce use of refrigerators and avoid reheating of food
  • Consume freshly prepared food ad afar as possible
  • Avoid use of carbon emission creating agents
  • Prevent over-heating of radiators
  • Always travel with sufficient breaks and give rest to your cars
  •    Avoid using Ozone –depleting substances
  •    Adopting carpooling/car sharing –walking/cycling to nearby places
  • Wherever applicable use public transport –it is a healthy measure to include walking in your everyday life
  • Reduce use of coal-tar dyes by opting for light coloured clothes and use of vegetable dyes
  • Food practices : consumption of cereals and traditional varieties of fruits and vegetables
  • Exclusion of all chemical fertilisers and pesticides and introduction of Organic farming
  • Optimum use of sound : less speakers
  • Less use of video games – get exercise by playing traditional games
  • Change forms of environment-revival of theatre and drama
  • Use of eco-friendly and biodegradable products at every step of our life
  • Gifts to be biodegradable. Avoid use of packing paper
  • Make celebrations simple and eco-friendly –conserve nature and energy
  • Avoid use of plastic bags instead carry your own reusable cloth bag for shopping
  • Constructing Green buildings –with roof top gardens- window sill gardens –kitchen gardens

If we can follow most of the steps given above in our own small way then each of us can contribute towards reducing global warming and we will be able to slow down climate change and ultimately stop it in the years to come. The green practices as we call these measures aim to reduce heat and CO2 emissions and increase the CO2 sequestration potentials of specialised agents. Among the well known Carbon capture systems (CCS), the most indigenous and simple ones are the green plants. Hence increasing the green cover of the earth can be a sustainable measure to reduceCO2 emissions. There is always a doubt about this because of the progressively decreasing forest area and the blow that agriculture has received due to urbanisation, industrialisation and modernisation.

Consequently the idea of Organic farming came into being that explores green farming practices, completely excluding all types of chemical and synthetic substances in agriculture. Organic farming is thus a eco-friendly and sustainable option for growing crops in an indigenous method and obtaining healthy produce that will not endanger the life of consumers in any way. This method handles pests with the help of bio-pest-repellents and not pesticides and seeks to drive away pests instead of killing them. As a result the biodiversity is not compromised and species extinction is prevented. Also the use of  biofertilisers provide nourishment to the soil and enhance plant growth which helps to conserve the land resources. Since the advantages of following green practices will help save Our Mother Earth  for our future generations it is our bounden duty to follow these for our own good.

Dr. Mujeera Fathima

Dr. Mujeera Fathima

Dedicated, Passionate teacher and Associate Professor of Botany specializing in Plant Physiology and Plant Anatomy with research interest in Ethnobotany and Traditional knowledge possessing a teaching experience of 28 years.

About Me

Dr. Mujeera Fathima

Dedicated, Passionate teacher and Associate Professor of Botany specializing in Plant Physiology and Plant Anatomy with research interest in Ethnobotany and Traditional knowledge possessing a teaching experience of 28 years. Officiated as one of the co-authors of the XI standard Botany and Bio-Botany textbook (2005) and XI standard Botany and Bio-Botany textbook (2015) as Domain expert for Tamilnadu State Higher Secondary Board of Education. A certified soft skills trainer and counselor holding a Doctorate in Botany and a M.Sc. in Psychology