
10 Possible Causes of the Obesity Pandemic


10 Possible Causes of the Obesity Pandemic

It’s well accepted that reduced physical activity and fast food are linked to obesity and this condition is fast spreading among populations all over the world. Many countries  that boasted of   populations that were slim and trim are now seeing obese people increasing in numbers. But the evidence that lack of physical activity and consumption of junk food  or fast food are the main causes of obesity is largely circumstantial. To stimulate debate, experts suggest 10 other possible causes of obesity, outlined in the International Journal of Obesity.

  • Sleep debt

Getting too little sleep can increase body weight. Today, many get less shut-eye than ever.  It is very common to see people over-working to make ends meet or due to their search for greater success. Nobody is ever making an effort to understand the sleep-debt and make it good. 

  • Pollution

 Environmental pollution has many effects in causing obesity in Humans. Pollutants affect the quality of food and water. They add certain steroidal substances that trigger weight gain, Further our body weight is under the control of hormones and many of today’s pollutants affect our hormones.

  • Air conditioning

 You have to burn calories if your environment is too hot or too cold for comfort. But more people than ever live and work in temperature-controlled homes and offices. They are so comfortable in these artificial environments that do not feel the need to exercise and burn calories. Neither are they willing to live under hot and humid conditions that can bring sweat and lead to calorie-burn 

  • Decreased smoking

Smoking reduces weight. People smoke much less than they used to. Smoking leads to cancer and hence we have to find ways to go around this cause and find out better ways to keep thin which are more sustainable and healthy.

  • Medicine

 Many different drugs including contraceptives, steroid hormones, diabetes drugs, some antidepressants, and blood pressure drugs can cause weight gain. Use of these drugs is on the upswing due to modernisation and technological advancements in the present day.

  • Population age and ethnicity

 Middle-aged people and Hispanic-Americans tend to be more obese than young European-Americans. Americans are getting older and more Hispanic. Middle age- leads to an unprecedented increase in weight that causes them to become obese. This is popularly known as the middle-age spread.

  • Older moms

 There’s some evidence that the older a woman is when she gives birth, the higher her child’s risk of obesity. Women are giving birth at older and older ages. Again mothers with one or two children due have a tendency to become obese especially if their  children are delivered through caesarean sections.

  • Ancestors’ environment

 Some influences may go back two generations. Environmental changes that made a grandparent obese may “through a fetally driven positive feedback loop” visit obesity on the grandchildren. Obesity is thus linked to heredity and is sometimes considered a familial feature.

  • Obesity is linked to fertility

 There’s some evidence that obese people are more fertile than lean ones. If obesity has a genetic component, the percentage of obese people in the population should increase.

  • Unions of obese spouses

 Obese women tend to marry obese men, and if obesity has a genetic component, there will be still more obese people in the next generation.

There are other contributing factors that deserve more attention and study. Even more explanations include: a fat-inducing virus; increases in childhood depression; less consumption of dairy products; and hormones used in agriculture and dairy industry. There is also mounting evidence for the fact that consumption of carbohydrates lead to obesity. Carbohydrates are foods that can be converted to fats and when not burned up the fat  is stored away as adipose tissue under the skin and leads to weight gain. What do you think can be other reasons attributed to this pandemic?

Dr. Mujeera Fathima

Dr. Mujeera Fathima

Dedicated, Passionate teacher and Associate Professor of Botany specializing in Plant Physiology and Plant Anatomy with research interest in Ethnobotany and Traditional knowledge possessing a teaching experience of 28 years.

About Me

Dr. Mujeera Fathima

Dedicated, Passionate teacher and Associate Professor of Botany specializing in Plant Physiology and Plant Anatomy with research interest in Ethnobotany and Traditional knowledge possessing a teaching experience of 28 years. Officiated as one of the co-authors of the XI standard Botany and Bio-Botany textbook (2005) and XI standard Botany and Bio-Botany textbook (2015) as Domain expert for Tamilnadu State Higher Secondary Board of Education. A certified soft skills trainer and counselor holding a Doctorate in Botany and a M.Sc. in Psychology